Teaching and Non-Teaching Faculty Recruitment 2021 notification announced by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab – Dean, Head of Department, Principal Scientist, Assistant Professor, Pulse Breeder, Food Technologist, Farm Manager, Surveyor Jobs. Eligible candidates may apply through the post within 27th May 2021.
Date Posted: 6th May 2021
Hiring Organization: Punjab Agricultural University
Organization Profile: The Punjab Agricultural University was established in 1962 to serve the state of erstwhile Punjab. On trifurcation of Punjab in November 1966, Haryana Agricultural University was carved out of PAU by an Act of Parliament in February 1970. Later, in July 1970, Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya was established. In 2006 the College of Veterinary Science was upgraded to become Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science University (GADVASU) at Ludhiana. The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) is located in Ludhiana city (Punjab State) in northwest India at a distance of 316 km from New Delhi. It is well connected by road and rail with the national capital. Situated on the Ludhiana
Job Title: Teaching and Non-Teaching Faculty
- Dean
- Head of Department
- Director
- Principal Scientist
- Food Technologist
- Pulse Breeder
- Assistant Professor
- Farm Manager
- Surveyor
- Dean:
- Post Graduate Students
- College of Agriculture
- Head of Department:
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Food Science & Technology
- Soil Science
- Plant Pathology
- Entomology
- Math, Stats & Physics
- Botany
- Extension Education & Communication Management
- Family Resource Management
- Apparel & Textile Science
- Farm Machinery & Power Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Director: School of Business Studies
- Principal Scientist: Nano Technology & Product Development
- Assistant Professor:
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Physics
- Apparel & Textile Science
- Farm Machinery & Power Engineering
- Entomology (Out Station)
- Animal Science (Out Station)
- Agronomy (Out Station)
- Farm Manager: (Out Station)
- Surveyor: (Out Station)
Employment Type: Contract
Minimum Qualification: As per norms
Job Location: Ludhiana, Punjab
Pay Salary:
- Dean: Rs.37400-67000+AGP 10000/- + Rs.1000/- special allowance and rent free accommodation
- Head of Department: Rs.37400-67000+AGP 10000/- + Rs.500/- special allowance
- Director: Rs.37400-67000+AGP 10000/- + Rs.500/- special allowance
- Principal Scientist: Rs.37400-67000+AGP 10000/-
- Food Technologist: Rs. 15600-39100+AGP Rs.6000/-p.m.
- Pulse Breeder: Rs. 15600-39100+AGP Rs.6000/-p.m.
- Assistant Professor: Rs. 15600-39100+AGP Rs.6000/-p.m.
- Farm Manager: Rs. 9300-34800 +GP Rs.4200/- p.m.
- Surveyor: Pay Scale/Pay Matrix (Level-4) with minimum admissible pay Rs. 25,500/-
Apply Mode: Postal
Organization Website: https://www.pau.edu/
How to Apply: The candidates can download the prescribed application forms for these posts from the link given on PAU Website. The application forms are also obtainable from the concerned offices mentioned against each post on any working day from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. by 27.05.2021. The requisite fee can be deposited through electronic mode or in the shape of a bank draft. The candidates may submit the duly filled/completed application forms (along with detailed qualifications, experience, self-attested testimonials, a summary of qualifications, and all other relevant documents) with proof of deposit of requisite fee in the respective offices in University as per details given below. The last date of receipt of application forms will be 27.05.2021.
Note: Bank draft should be in favor of Comptroller PAU, Ludhiana payable at Ludhiana or requisite fee to be deposited through Electronic Mode.
1. Name of the Bank: Bank of Baroda
2. Branch: PAU, Ludhiana
3. Account name: Comptroller PAU (Recruitment)
4. Account No. : 29380100017259
Fee Details:
1) Dean: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹800
2) Head of Department: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹800
3) Director: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹800
4) Principal Scientist: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹800
5) Assistant Professor: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹500
6) Farm Manager: Cost of Application form: ₹200; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹300
7) Surveyor: Cost of Application form: ₹200; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹300
8) Food Technologist: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹500
9) Pulse Breeder: Cost of Application form: ₹300; Fee to be attached with the application form: ₹500
Postal Address:
Punjab Agricultural University
Punjab, INDIA
Tel. 91-161- 2401960-79 Ext:- 213
Fax. 91-161- 2400945
Email:- [email protected]
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