NIT Puducherry- Rolling Advertisement 2025

This advertisement operates on a rolling basis for recruiting faculty for need-based requirement of the Institute. Interested candidates are invited to submit online applications
for the faculty positions at NIT Puducherry, throughout the year with no specific last date for receipt of applications. For further updates, please visit Institute website regularly. Link:


Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals in the prescribed format for recruitment of faculty in various Departments of the Institute.

Institution Name: National Institute of Technology, Puducherry

Institution Profile: National Institute of Technology Puducherry (NITPY), nestled in the scenes of Karaikal, a coastal enclave in the basin of river Kaveri is one among the ten new NITs in the Union Territory of Puducherry. Notwithstanding the tender age, NIT-Py is committed to produce effective and responsible technocrats who have the ability to serve the nation on its journey to growth and prosperity. In this process, students have been admitted from the academic year 2010-11 onwards through JEE Mains with 50% of seats reserved for the candidates having residence/native at Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe, Yanam and the remaining 50% seats are filled on all India basis. The institute provides keen guidance in terms of experienced and expert faculties as well as facilities to sculpt the bright minds into professionally balanced individuals, capable enough to take up challenges of nature, of society and of the marketplace. Presently, 63 faculty members along with 34 non-teaching staff are employed for an overall strength of 1421 students. Students are exposed to the most modern and up-to-date curriculum and contemporary developments in various disciplines of engineering. In addition to scientific and engineering skills, the institute provides scope to our upcoming graduates to get exposure to team work on experimental projects, presentations and communication skills and active participations in all extracurricular activities. Since necessity is the mother of inventions, our students have participated in every corner of need and took the chaos of early years as an opportunity to grow with self determination and innovation. To mention, the institute website and many laboratory experiments were designed and fabricated by them. The institution is at a constant attempt of making endeavours to scale new heights by developing a synergy between studies, research, and consulting/training activities.


  • Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor – Grade I
  • Assistant Professor – Grade II (on Contract)


  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics

Essential Qualifications:


  • Chemistry
    • B.Sc. Chemistry;
    • M.Sc. or equivalent in Chemistry;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline.
  • Civil Engineering
    • B. E. / B. Tech. in Civil Engineering;
    • M. E. / M. Tech. or equivalent in Civil Engineering;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline.
  • Computer Science and Engineering
    • B. E. / B. Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology;
    • M. E. / M. Tech. or equivalent in Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline.

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

    • B. E. / B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics and Instrumentation;
    • M. E. / M. Tech. or equivalent in Electrical and Electronics Engineering or relevant;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline.

Electronics & Communication Engineering

    • B. E. / B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering;
    • M. E. / M. Tech. or equivalent in Electronics and Communication Engineering or relevant;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline

Humanities and Social Sciences

    • B. A. / B. Sc. / B. Tech. or equivalent in Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • M. A. /M. Sc. /M. B. A. or equivalent in Humanities and Social Sciences, Management or relevant;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline


    • B. Sc. / B. A. or equivalent in Mathematics / Statistics;
    • M. Sc. / M. A. or equivalent in Mathematics / Statistics;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline.
  • Mechanical Engineering
    • B.E. / B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering / Production Engineering;
    • M.E. / M.Tech. or equivalent in Machine Design / Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Safety Engineering / Automobile Engineering / Thermal Engineering / Energy Technology / Engineering Design / Internal Combustion Engineering / Manufacturing Engineering/
      CAD-CAM / Management Studies or equivalent;
    • Ph. D. in a relevant discipline.
  • Physics
    • B. Sc. in Physics;
    • M. Sc. or equivalent in Physics;
    • Ph. D. in relevant discipline

Educational qualifications, experience and other terms and conditions of appointment of Academic Staff shall be as per Schedule ‘E’ of the Statutes of NITs, as published in the Gazette Notification S.O. 947(E) dated 21.07.2017 read with Gazette Notification bearing F. No. NITPY/ADMN/STATUES/2023 /001(E) dated 03.06.2023, published by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The other relevant clarifications issued by the Ministry of Education on the Recruitment Rules as amended from time to time are also to be considered for the selection process, the details of which are uploaded in the institute website.

B.Ed. may be considered as desirable qualification for the department of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.

Selection Process:

All online applications received till a cut-off date (as prescribed by the Institute) against the said Rolling Advertisement will be taken into consideration for selection process comprising of scrutiny, shortlisting (higher criteria than the cumulative essential credit points / written test). Further shortlisting may be adopted through presentation of Teaching/Research Seminar. Selection will be done in two phases. In the first phase the shortlisted candidates are required to appear for technical seminar and presentation in the area of their specialization in the respective department. The second phase involves interview by the duly constituted Selection Committee. The decision of the duly constituted Selection Committee in all matters related to the said Advertisement will be final and binding on all the applicants.

Procedure for Submission of Applications:

Applications and the supporting documents should be filled in the prescribed format through online mode by SAMARTH Portal only ( Any applications (and the supporting documents) received by way of other means such as post/ e-mail, etc., will be summarily rejected and will not be considered under any circumstances.

Candidates interested to apply for one or more posts may apply through the said portal by paying a non-refundable application fee, for each post applied for, separately, failing which, the application will be rejected without any correspondence.

The Non Refundable application fee per application is required to be paid by the candidate (through online mode) as per the following:

  • General/Unreserved/ OBC- NCL/ EWS- ₹1000
  • SC/ ST/ PwD/ Female Candidates- Nil

Candidates are required to upload all documentary evidence in support of their credentials and claimed credit points

For detailed guidelines on submission of applications, candidates may visit the Institute website at regularly.

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