Faculty Jobs vacancy notification announced by the Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad for the 2025 academic calendar year for the post of Visiting Professor/ Professor of Practice/ Associate Professor of Practice. Eligible candidates may apply through Email
Date Posted: 17th March 2025
Hiring Organization: Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
Organization Profile: Standing tall since the early decades of the 20th century, the institute is steadily sailing through the millennium change and has emerged into one of the most prominent institution- Indian Institute of Technology IIT(ISM) with full bloom functioning of 18 branches of Engineering, Applied Sciences, Management Studies, and Humanities. IIT (ISM) has had a centenary long credentials of outperforming achievements/contributions in academia and the industry.
Employment Type: Contract
Job Title:
- Visiting Professor
- Professor of Practice
- Associate Professor of Practice
- For managing the affairs of IIIF Delhi Centre
Essential Qualifications:
- Visiting Professor
- a) for Superannuated faculty member from Institutes other than IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
b) Eminent persons from industry (with relevant and substantial experience and having awareness about current technological advancements in the field), R&D organizations, Government service, Artists and any relevant category as recommended by the Institute Standing Committee;
- a) for Superannuated faculty member from Institutes other than IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
- Professor of Practice
- Candidates should have reasonable (typically 10-15) years of managerial or professional experience and should have worked in a senior management position such as CEO/CTO/Vice President/Director for a reasonable period. They should have at least a Master’s degree in Engineering/Sciences/Humanities or a related field. Ph.D. is desirable but not essential. However, a lack of Ph.D. must be offset by demonstrated domain knowledge, obtained from deep experience in the ‘field
- Associate Professor of Practice
- Depending on the years of experience (typically 05 to less than 10 years), the person may also be offered the position of Associate Professor of Practice.
Duration :
- Visiting Professor
- a) For Superannuated faculty member from other Institutes- initially upto three years and followed by extension upto two years till the age of 70 years;
b) For Eminent persons from Industry/R&D organizations/ Government service/Artists/other relevant category – upto two years initially to a maximum period of three years. However, the performance is to be reviewed annually for the continuation of engagement for another year till the contract period.
- a) For Superannuated faculty member from other Institutes- initially upto three years and followed by extension upto two years till the age of 70 years;
- Professor of Practice
- The offer would be for an initial period of three years. Based on a rigorous review, Professor of Practice may also be absorbed as permanent Professor of the Institute after completing three years of contract with the proviso that PhD will be essential for absorption. Alternately, the contract may also be extended for a maximum of another five years based on performance and contributions made. The concurrence of parent organization will be required for extension of the contract period. Person being appointed as Professor of Practice may also be permitted to keep a lien on its position in the Industry. However, the performance is to be reviewed annually for the continuation of engagement for another year till the contract period.
- Associate Professor of Practice
- The offer would be for an initial period of three years. Based on a rigorous review, Associate Professor of Practice may also be absorbed as permanent Associate Professor of the Institute after completing three years of contract with the proviso that PhD will be essential for absorption. Alternately, the contract may also be extended for a maximum of another five years based on performance and contributions made. The concurrence of parent organization will be required for extension of the contract period. Person being appointed as Associate Professor of Practice may also be permitted to keep a lien on its position in the Industry.
- However, the performance is to be reviewed annually for the continuation of engagement for another year till the contract period.
Salary: As Per Norms
Job Location: Dhanbad, Jharkhand
Apply Mode: Email
Organization Website: https://www.iitism.ac.in/
How to Apply:
- Candidate must fill out the application form in the given format and submit it by email to [email protected]. No hard copy of application is required to be sent.
- Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.
- Applications submission and deadline
(a) The closing date to submit the application(s) is 31.03.2025.
(b) Recruitment would be based on the need in a given area / field
within the Centre/Department.
Organization Address:
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
Police Line Road, Main Campus IIT (ISM, near Rani Bandh, Hirapur,
Sardar Patel Nagar, Dhanbad,
Jharkhand 826004
For Detailed Faculty job Advertisement (Read Carefully): Click Here