Teaching Faculty Vacancy Announced by Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata. Eligible candidates can apply Online and send hard copy through Postal.


Date Posted: 17th March 2025

Name of the College: Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata.

  • Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute invites applications from the citizens of India for the following engagements, on contract basis for Film and Television Insitute, Jollang-Rakap (Jote), Papum Pare, Arunachal Pradesh

Job Title: Teaching Faculty

  • Associate Professor, Direction
  • Associate Professor, Editing

Employment Type: Contract

Department : 

  • Direction
  • Editing


  • Direction
    • i) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
      ii) Postgraduate Degree or Diploma (at least of two years duration) or equivalent in Cinema specializing in Direction and Screenplay Writing / Producing and Direction in
      Electronic and Digital Media / Television Direction / Electronic and Digital Media Management from a recognized University or Institute of repute;
      iii) At least four years of professional experience as Director or Screenplay Writer and / or teaching experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing in an Organization or Institution of repute.
      i) Masters’ Degree (preferably in Theater / Literature / Film Studies) of a recognized University or equivalent.
      ii) At least six years of professional experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing and / or teaching experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing in an Organization or Institution of repute or in independent capacity.
      i) Graduate Degree (preferably in Theater / Literature / Film Studies) of a recognized University or equivalent.
      ii) At least eight years of professional experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing and / or teaching experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing in an Organization or Institution of repute or in independent capacity.
  • Editing
    • i) Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
      ii) Postgraduate Degree or Diploma (at least of two years duration) or equivalent in Editing / Editing for Electronic and Digital Media / Television Editing from a recognized University or Institute of repute;
      iii) At least four years of professional experience as Film / Television / New Media Editor and / or teaching experience in Editing in an Organization or Institution of repute or in independent capacity.
      i) Masters’ Degree (preferably in Theater / Literature / Film Studies) of a recognized University or equivalent.
      ii) At least six years of professional experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing and / or teaching experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing in an Organization or Institution of repute or in independent capacity.
      i) Graduate Degree (preferably in Theater / Literature / Film Studies) of a recognized University or equivalent.
      ii) At least eight years of professional experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing and / or teaching experience in Direction / Screenplay Writing in an Organization or Institution of repute or in independent capacity

Job Location: Kolkata, West Bengal

Apply Mode: Online and Postal

How to Apply: Interested candidates who fulfill the above requirements shall apply through online application form (google form) only. The link to the application form The application fee is Rs.1200/- for each post which is to be deposited through SBI Collect (Application fee for recruitment). A copy of payment
receipt may be uploaded during submission of form. However, SC, ST, PWD & female applicants are exempted from payment of application fees as per extant practice of GOI. Last date for submitting online application form is 29.03.2025 (5 PM).

The print out of the application along with copy of all requisite documents shall have to reach to Registrar, Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute, EM Bypass Road, Panchasayar, Kolkata : 700094 within 06.04.2025.

Postal Address:

The Registrar
Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute,
E. M. Bypass Road, P.O. Panchasayar,
Kolkata – 700094

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