Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Chittoor Wanted Faculty

Date: 18/03/2025


Name of the College: Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) 

About College: Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering & Technology (SVCET), Chittoor,  established in the year 1998, enjoys the reputation as one of the best engineering colleges in  Andhra Pradesh. The mission of the Institute is twofold – to educate and prepare students – as  dynamic, competent, valued and knowledgeable professionals who shall lead the nation to reach  the forefront of leadership in the field of engineering and technology. 

SVCET is a self – financing autonomous professional college affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru  Technological University Anantapur, Anantapur, recognized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), with 8 UG programs in Engineering & Technology accredited by National  Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi, Under Tier-I & Graded ‘A’ by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore. The college was ranked 176th in NIRF Ranking Framework for the Year 2019-20, and was also accorded CPE (College with Potential  for Excellence) status by UGC, New Delhi. 

The College has spacious, well designed, adequately furnished and ventilated classrooms  which provide ingenious ambience to the students for integrated learning practice. The College  offers 8 undergraduate Engineering Programs in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science, Computer Science (AI & ML), Computer Science (Data Science) and  Information Technology, along with Master’s Degree program in Computer Applications,  Business Administration, M.Tech (VLSI Design) M.Tech (CAD/CAM), M.Tech (Computer  Science & Engineering), M.Tech (Power Electronics and Electrical Drivers), &M.Tech (Data  Science). The initiatives pursued by each and every department redesign the learning experience to make it more relevant, more effective, more efficient, and more reflective of  individual learning styles. 

Job Title:  Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor 


  • CSE, CSE (AI & ML/ Data Science/ Cyber security/IOT) 
  • MCA 
  • HAS(Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics/English) 


  • For Assistant Professor – B.TECH/B.Sc I CLASS & M.TECH/M.Sc I CLASS 
  •   Associate Professor/ Professor- Ph.D MANDATORY

Apply Mode: Online application Eligibility of Candidature: 

Candidates with Prior experience and Freshers may also apply 

Candidates with good research experience and able to make frequent publications 

Proper relieving from the previous institution and ready to join immediately 

Candidates are required to carry all their original certificates. Salary in accordance with experience and qualifications. 

How to apply: Forward your Resume/CV to Email [email protected] 


Venue Address: 

The Principal,
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous)
RVS Nagar, Chittoor-517127.
Contact Number: +91-7729999158

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