Amrita College of Engineering and Technology- Assisant Professor MBA



About College:

Amrita College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) is a co-educational, self-financing Engineering College (Formerly Sun College of Engineering and Technology, established in the year 1999) run by Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM), Kollam from the Academic Year 2018-19. MAM is an International charitable organization aimed at the spiritual and material upliftment of humankind. MAM was founded in 1981 by spiritual leader and humanitarian Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, with its headquarters in Paryakadavu, Alappad Panchayat, Kollam district, Kerala.

The College has been approved by The All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi and affiliated to the Anna university, Chennai. The College is located inside Amrita Institutions Campus, Nagercoil in a sprawling area of 100-acre lush green campus which is situated about 5 Kilometres north of Nagercoil, the headquarter of Kanyakumari District. Nagercoil Railway station is 7 km from the campus.  This campus is well connected by rail and road.  Thiruvananthapuram the capital of Kerala is 75 Kilometers from the campus. The atmosphere is conducive for calm and peaceful academic pursuit.

The college is well connected to the town by public transport buses. The college operate its own transport system for the convenience of the students from various parts of the Kanyakumari and neighbouring districts/State.

Amrita Institutions is known for its Value Based Quality Education through continuously improving its infrastructure, human resources and teaching-learning process and we are committed to impart high quality skill-based education in Engineering & Technology to the youth to meet the challenging requirements of the industries.

Name of Post: Assistant Professor

Department: Management Studies

Specialization: MBA – Operations Management, Marketing Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Business Analytics.

Qualification: MBA with first class from reputed Institutions – Candidates with Ph.D. will be given preference.

Experience: Minimum two years

Candidate Profile

  • Candidate should have Good Communication Skill
  • Commitment towards work
  • The candidate should have good soft skills

Job Location: Nagarcoil, Tamilnadu

Scale of Pay: As per norms

Apply Mode: Email


How to apply

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