
VPMM College of arts and science, Krishnankoil Wanted Principal

Principal Recruitment 2022 job notification announced by VPMM College of arts and science, Krishnankoil, Srivilliputtur. Eligible candidates may apply through Email. Post Date: 27th September 2022 Designation: Principal Qualification: ...

Teaching Jobs/Non-Teaching Jobs at M C Gupta College of Business Management, Hyderabad

Teaching Faculty Jobs vacancy notification announced by M C Gupta College of Business Management, Hyderabad, Telangana for the 2022-2023 academic calendar year. Eligible candidates...

The Kagal Education Society’s Y.D. Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Kagal Wanted Principal and Associate...

Teaching and Non-Teaching Faculty recruitment 2022-2023 Job vacancy notification announced by The Kagal Education Society's Y.D. Mane Institute of Pharmacy, Kagal - Principal and...

Sai Polytechnic, Kinhi Wanted Principal/Lecturer

Sai Polytechnic, Kinhi, Yavatmal, Maharashtra has advertised for the faculty recruitment for the post of Principal, Lecturer Jobs. Eligible candidates may appear for walk-in. Date...

MHR. Sharad Pawar College, Nagpur Wanted Principal/Assistant Professor

MHR. Sharad Pawar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra has advertised for the faculty recruitment for the post of Assistant Professor, Principal Jobs. Eligible candidates may appear...

SIMATS University Wanted Principal/Professor/Associate Professor

College Name/University: SIMATS University- Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (Saveetha University), Chennai, Tamilnadu. Job Title: Principal / Professor/Associate Professor Degree and Department: PhD/M. Pharm...

RES Polytechnic, Bangalore Wanted Principal/Vice Principal/Lecturer/Non-Teaching Staffs

Faculty Recruitment 2022 announced by RES Polytechnic, Bangalore, Karnataka Wanted Lecturers, Principal, Vice Principal, Non-Teaching staffs. Eligible Candidates may apply by email within 5...

JKKN College of Engineering and Technology, Kumarapalayam Wanted Principal

Hiring Organization: JKKN College of Engineering and Technology Organization Profile: Established in the year 2008, the college is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University–Chennai. The prime objective of JKKN College of Engineering and Technology (JKKNCET), Kumarapalayam is to update and develop the quality of professional education. JKKNCET has ventured into the domain of edification aspiring to impart expertise in caliber to students to cope with the pace of emerging technological progression, gratify the exigent needs of society and create a new dimension of engineering and technology. Job Title/Designation: PRINCIPAL Qualification: As per Norms Job Location: Kumarapalayam  Pay Scale: As per Norms  Apply Mode: Email Organization website:  How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates request to send their profile to the following Email address Email Address to Apply:...

Nandha Arts and Science College, Erode Wanted Principal

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Nandha Arts and Science College, Erode, Tamilnadu for 2022 academic calendar year. Eligible candidates may apply within 10...

Velammal Nexus School, Chennai Wanted Principal/Vice Principal/Non-Teaching Staffs

School Faculty Recruitment 2022 notification announced by Velammal Nexus School, Chennai, Tamilnadu - Principal, Vice Principal, Academic Supervisor Jobs. Eligible candidates may appear walk-in...

Faculty Jobs at Thiruvalluvar College of Arts and Science, Vandavasi

Faculty Recruitment 2022 job notification announced by Thiruvalluvar Arts And Science College, Kurinjipadi, Cuddalore District for 2022-2023 academic year. Eligible candidates may apply through...

HKBK  Group of  Institution, Bengaluru Wanted Principal

Faculty Recruitment 2022 job notification announced by  HKBK  Group of  Institution, Bengaluru, Karnataka for 2022-2023 academic year. Eligible candidates may apply through Email. Post Date: 14th...