Polytechnic Page 49


Sri Vashista Girls Junior and Degree College, Nirmal wanted Lecturers

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Sri Vashista Girls Junior and Degree College, Nirmal for 2021-2022 academic calendar year. An eligible candidate may send...

A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute Wanted Lecturer

Teaching Faculty recruitment 2021 Job vacancy notification announced by A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur, Maharashtra for 2021-2022 academic year. Eligible candidates may apply within 10th...

NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, Maharashtra wanted Lecturer in English

NIT Polytechnic, Nagpur, Maharashtra wanted Lecturer in English for the academic year 2021- 2022. Eligible candidates can Walk-In on 31st July 2021 at 10...

Om Polytechnic, Umrer, Maharashtra wanted Lecturer in various department

Om Polytechnic, Umrer, Maharashtra wanted Lecturer in various departments for the academic year 2021- 2022. Eligible candidates can apply within 7 days through Email. Date...

C.V. Raman Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar, Odisha wanted Assistant Professor and Lab Assistant

C.V. Raman Polytechnic, Bhubaneswar, Odisha wanted Assistant Professor and Lab Assistant for the academic year 2021- 2022 . Eligible candidates can Apply through Online...

Pakur Polytechnic Wanted Sr.Lecturers

Post Date: 17th July 2021 Name of the College: Pakur Polytechnic College Profile: Pakur is the most revenue earning district of Jharkhand. Pakur Polytechnic is owned by...

Mother Teresa Agricultural Polytechnic, Sathupally wanted Principal and Lecturer

Faculty recruitment 2021 vacancy notification announced by Mother Teresa Agricultural Polytechnic, Sathupally for the 2021- 2022 academic calendar year. Eligible candidates may apply within...

Vickram Polytechnic College, Madurai wanted Lecturer for Various Department and Non Teaching Faculty(Walk-In)

Vickram Polytechnic College, Madurai wanted Lecturer for Various Department and Non Teaching Faculty for the academic year 2021. Eligible candidates can Walk-In with resume...

Shri H H J B Polytechnic, Nashik wanted Lecturer / Technical Assistant

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Shri H H J B Polytechnic, Nashik - Lecturer / Technical Assistant Recruitment for 2021-2022 academic calendar year....

Administrative Officer at The Indian Polytechnic College, Tirunelveli

Hiring Organization: The Indian Polytechnic College, Vadakkangulam,Tirunelveli Dt. Organization Profile: The Indian Polytechnic College is approved by DOTE and accredited by NBA with more than...

Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai Wanted Lecturer

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Shri Bhagubhai Mafatlal Polytechnic, Mumbai, Maharashtra for 2021-2022 academic year. Eligible candidates may apply within 10 days. Post Date:...

J.D. College Of Engineering and Management and J. D Polytechnic College Wanted Teaching and...

Faculty recruitment 2021 Job vacancy notification announced by the J.D. College Of Engineering and Management - Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Jobs for the 2021-2022...