Polytechnic Page 51


Sree Sastha Pharmacy College Wanted LAB TECHNICIAN / LAB ASSISTANT

College Profile : Sree Sastha Group Of Institutions at Chembarambakkam,Chennai - Bangalore Highway, Tamil Nadu, India, is a private self-financing institute.The college was established on 9 September...

MASS Polytechnic College Wanted Lecturers

MASS Polytechnic College, Kumbakonam Tamilnadu Advertised officially for the faculty recruitment 2021 –  Lecturer Jobs. For More Details see below. Post Date: 25th February 2021 Name...

P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Polytechnic College Wanted Lecturers/Non-Teaching (Aided Post)

Faculty Recruitment 2021 notification announced By P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker Polytechnic College , Chennai Wanted Faculties & Non-Teaching. Eligible Candidates May Apply within 15th March...

Aishwarya Polytechnic College, Erode wanted Principal and Lecturer(Walk-In)

Aishwarya Polytechnic College, Erode wanted Principal and Lecturer for the academic year 2021. Eligible candidates can Walk-In with Qualifying Documents and Supporting documents on...

Indira Gandhi Group of Institutions, Kerala wanted Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor and Lecturer

Indira Gandhi Group of Institutions, Kerala wanted Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor and Lecturer for the academic year 2021. Eligible candidates can Email their...

Nilasaila Institute of Science and Technology, Balasore wanted Lecturer and Lab Demonstrator

Nilasaila Institute of Science and Technology, Balasore wanted Lecturer and Lab Demonstrator for the academic year 2020-2021. Eligible Teaching candidates can Walk-In on 18th...

Mrs.A.V.N College Polytechnic Wanted Lecturers

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Mrs.A.V.N College Polytechnic, Vishakapattanam, Andhra Pradesh in Epaper for the 2021-2022 calendar year. Eligible candidates may apply through...

Aditya Polytechnic Beed Wanted Assistant Professor/Receptionist

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Aditya Polytechnic Beed, Maharashtra for 2020-2021 academic year. Eligible candidates may apply through Email within 15th February 2021. Post...

Govindrao Wanjari College Of Engineering & Technology, Maharashtra wanted Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor and...

Govindrao Wanjari College Of Engineering & Technology, Maharashtra wanted Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor and Lecturer for the academic year 2020-2021. Eligible candidates can send...

St.Joseph Polytechnic College,Pudukottai Wanted Lecturers

Faculty Recruitment 2021 notification announced by St.Joseph Polytechnic College, Pudukkotai, Tamilnadu- Lecturer Jobs, Non-Teaching Jobs. Eligible candidates may apply within 10 days. Date Posted: 4th...

Nachimuthu Polytechnic College, Pollachi Wanted Lecturers (Grant-in-Aid Post)

Post Date: 3rd February 2021 Name of the College: Nachimuthu Polytechnic College College Profile: Nachimuthu Polytechnic College was established in the year 1957, by Arutchelvar Dr.N.Mahalingam...

Pakur Polytechnic Wanted Principal

Post Date:2nd February 2021 Name of the College: Pakur Polytechnic College Profile: Pakur is the most revenue earning district of Jharkhand. Pakur Polytechnic is owned by the...