Polytechnic Page 55


T.S.Srinivasan Centre for Polytechnic & Advanced Training Wanted Subject Expert & E-Content Developer

Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by T.S.Srinivasan Centre for Polytechnic & Advanced Training, Chennai, Tamilnadu for 2020-2021 academic calendar year. Eligible candidates may apply...

Mangalam Polytechnic College Wanted Principal/HOD’s/Sr.Lecturer/Lecturer

Faculty Recruitment 2020 job notification announced by Mangalam Polytechnic College, Ettumanoor, Kottayam, Kerala, India for the post of Principal/HOD’s/Sr.Lecturer/Lecturers. Eligible candidates may apply through...

Lecturer jobs at Sri Ayyapa Polytechnic College

Faculty Recruitment 2020 job vacancy notification announced by Sri Ayyapa Polytechnic College Cuddalore, Tamilnadu for the post of Lecturer Jobs for the academic year...

Brahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic Wanted Lecturers

Faculty Recruitment 2020 job notification announced by ABrahmdevdada Mane Polytechnic, Belati, Solapur, Maharashtra for the post of Lecturer Jobs for the academic year 2020-2021....

Teaching Jobs/Non-Teaching Jobs at R.R. Institutions, Bangalore

Faculty Recruitment 2020 notification announced by R.R. Institutions, Bangalore, Karnataka - Assistant Professor Jobs, Associate Professor Jobs, and Professor Jobs. Eligible candidates may apply...

Non-Teaching Jobs at Sri Aandal Nachiyar Polytechnic College,Tuticorin

Faculty Recruitment 2020 notification announced by Sri Aandal Nachiyar Polytechnic College, Tuticorin, Tamilnadu- Office Assistant Jobs. Eligible candidate may apply immediately. Date Posted: 11th June...

Sudarshana Polytechnic College Wanted Lecturer/Physical Director

Faculty Recruitment 2020 job notification announced by Sudarshana Polytechnic College, Trichy, Tamilnadu for the post of Lecturer jobs for the academic year 2020-2021. Eligible...

Surya Polytechnic College Wanted Lecturers/HoD

Faculty recruitment 2020 job vacancy notification announcement from Surya Polytechnic College, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu from the post of Lecturer jobs, and HoD jobs...

CSM Group of Institutions, Prayagraj Wanted Faculty

Faculty Recruitment 2020 notification announced by CSM Group of Institutions, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh - Assistant Professor Jobs, Associate Professor Jobs. Eligible candidates may apply...

Thiagarajar Polytechnic College Wanted HoD and Lecturers

Faculty Recruitment 2020 job vacancy notification announced by Sona Group of Institutions (Thiagarajar Polytechnic College), Salem, Tamilnadu for the post of HOD and Lecturer...

Pastor Lenssen Polytechnic College Wanted Lecturers

Post Date: 31st March 2020 College Name: Pastor Lenssen Polytechnic College About College: Pastor Lenssen Polytechnic College (PLPC), a Don Bosco Institution, is approved by AICTE...

MET’S Polytechnic College Wanted Head of Section/Sr.Lecturers/Lecturers

Post Date: 23rd March 2020 Name of the College: MET'S Polytechnic College College Profile: MET'S School of Engineering is a self –financing, Christian-minority Professional Engineering College...