IIT Hyderabad, Sangareddy Wanted JRF

Faculty Recruitment 2024 notification announced by the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Sangareddy, Telangana- JRF Jobs. Eligible candidates may apply by 26th January 2024.


Date Posted: 8th January 2024

Hiring Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Sangareddy

Organization Profile: IIT Hyderabad is part of history in the making. We, the faculty, students, and staff are creating a new institute, an institute, which in due course of time will make an indelible mark in education and research. Though we are young, we have a great vision, agility, commitment, and energy to create an innovative education and research environment that will be the envy of all. Through our deeds, we shall be the catalysts for change in our local environs as well as the rest of India and the world. In a very short time, just about a year, IIT Hyderabad has made significant strides. IIT Hyderabad admitted the first batch of 111 B.Tech. students, and started functioning on August 20, 2008. Three departments, CSE, EE & ME were initiated. The first year had its highs and lows but was an exciting period that will be etched in the minds of the pioneer batch. In January 2009, IIT Hyderabad admitted 11 PhD students.

Job Title Junior Research Fellow

Employment Type: Contract

Sponsoring agency: Momentive Performance Materials Private Limited

Title of the Project: Adhesion of Silane-Based Adhesion Promoters on Concrete-Based Wet Surfaces

Department: Chemical Engineering

Essential qualifications:

1) Master’s in chemical/ polymer/ mechanical/ materials and any other allied engineering departments
2) MSc Physics/ Material Science/ Computational Chemistry
3) Candidates with a bachelor degree in allied engineering departments and research experience in chemical/ polymers/ mechanical/ materials are also encouraged to apply.

Desirable: A keen interest in modelling and programming.

Job Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

Remuneration: As per IIT Hyderabad norms (Rs 38,440)

Duration of appointment: 24 months

Apply Mode: Email

Organization Websitewww.iith.ac.in

How to Apply: Interested candidates may send the following items to [email protected] cc [email protected] with subject line as JRF-Momentive application. 1) Cover Letter, 2) CV & 3) a max 1 Page Statement of Interest. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted via email for further assessment through an interview.

Email ID: [email protected], [email protected]

Organization Address:

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Kandi – 502285, Sangareddy,

For more detailed information (Read Carefully): Click Here

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