JRF Job Vacancy at National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

Research Fellow Recruitment 2023 job notification announced by National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha for the post of Junior Research Fellow. Eligible candidates may appear for a walk-in interview.


Hiring Organization: National Institute of Technology, Rourkela

Organization Profile: National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela, Odisha

Research Position: Junior Research Fellow

Title of the project: Assimilation of Oceansat-3 observations in NWP model to assess its impact on the forecast of extreme weather events

Sponsoring/Funding Agency: Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad

Essential Qualifications: First division throughout career in M.Sc. or M.Tech. (Atmospheric Science /Meteorology / Climate Science / Oceanography or Equivalent). Candidates with NET or GATE are preferable (Not essential).

Desirable Qualifications:
Working experience in (i) Atmospheric mesoscale models,  (ii) data handling (iii) Unix or Linux environment (ii) software like Python/MatLab/NCL/ etc.

Project Duration: 3 years (January 2023 to January 2026)

Stipend: Rs. 31000/- per month 1st and 2nd year and Rs. 35000/- per month in 3rd year.

Job Location: NIT Rourkela, Odisha

Last Date: 19th February 2023

Walk-in Date: 28th February 2023 at 10:00 am

Apply Mode: Online

Organization Website: https://www.nitrkl.ac.in/

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply within 19 February 2023, 2359 HRS. The candidates are required to send the complete filled-up application form (Soft copy) to osurik@nitrkl.ac.in. The application form is available in the following link: http://nitrkl.ac.in/oldwebsite/Jobs_Tenders/5ProjectFellowships/Doc/JRF%20LS-PND-64(2).pdf which must be filled by candidates and also required to attach photocopies of all supporting documents, research papers (if any), etc.

Email ID: osurik@nitrkl.ac.in

Address for Communication:

Prof. Dr. Krishna Kishore Osuri
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences,
National Institute of Technology Rourkela,
Odisha 769 008.
Tel. No.: 0661-246-2509, Mobile: +91- 9547147576

For detailed information(Read Carefully): Click Here

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