Date: 20-03-2025
College Profile: K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology (KSRCT) was started in the year 1994 near Tiruchengode, South India. It is a pioneering Autonomous Institution in providing quality technical education with 14 U.G., 11 P.G. and 12 Ph.D. Programmes. The College is approved by AICTE and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. KSRCT is a DBT-STAR & DST-FIST sponsored institute and accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade. As on date, 8 Under Graduate Programmes were accredited by NBA under Tier–I category.
Job Title: Junior Research Fellow
Departments, Qualification:
M.Tech/ M.E. in Mechanical / Production / Manufacturing / Mechatronics / Material Science and Metallurgy Engineering or equivalent with minimum 60% marks or 6.5/10 CGPA at both B.E./ B. Tech. and M.E./M. Tech. levels with GATE score. Experience with any modeling software is an added advantage. (or)
M.Sc. (or equivalent) in a relevant science with at least 55% marks for General & OBC (50% for SC/ST candidates). A strong preference for candidates who have qualified in national level exams like CSIR-UGC NET, GATE, or equivalent, and sometimes, relevant research experience.
Project Title: Semi-Automated BSFL Farm for Municipal Wet Waste to Enhance ircular Bioeconomy
Project Duration: 3 Years
Age Limit: 28 years. Age relaxation may be given for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per DST, Government of India norms
Job Location: Tiruchengode, Namakkal
- JRF – Rs. 37,000/- per month for the first two years and
- SRF – Rs. 42,000/- per month for the third year (OR) As per DST norms.
Apply Mode: Email on or before 26.03.2025
Email Address to Apply: [email protected]
College Website URL:
College Address:
K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology,
Tiruchengode – 637 215,
Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu.