Post Date: 13th June 2021
College Name: A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital, Chennai
About College: Being a developing nation, health and hygiene are mainstays in terms of national priority. With so many people living below the poverty line, statistics reveal that unhealthy living conditions will lead to disease and epidemics, unless a proactive approach by the medical community is put into action. Keeping these in mind, Dr. M.G.R. University’s Faculty of Medical Sciences was established. Besides imparting necessary medical and technological skills, the university also encourages students to be more active as a student-medical community to improve health conditions in the nation.
The Faculty of Medical Sciences is an important department in the university and has a huge intake of students each year. The department comes fully equipped with a state-of-the-art laboratory and the department utilizes most modern equipments and technology. The quality of education and infrastructural advantage the university offers is one of the best in the country. The Faculty of Medical Sciences occupies a large area of campus space.
Job Position:
- Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor
- Senior Resident
- Nursing and Paramedical
Departments have Vacancies:
Professor Jobs:
- General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Associate Professor Jobs:
- General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Anaesthesiology, Radio-Diagnosis, Emergency Medicine, Biochemistry
For Assistant Professor Jobs:
- General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Respiratory Medicine, Ophthalmology, Emergency Medicine, Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine
For Senior Resident Jobs:
- General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Respiratory Medicine, Radio-Diagnosis, Emergency Medicine
For Nursing and Paramedical Jobs:
- Nursing Superintendent / Nursing Supervisors / Staff Nurses / ANMS / Lab Technicians / OT Technicians / ICU Technicians
Qualification: As per Medical Council Norms
Job Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu
Scale Of Pay: As Per Norms
Apply Mode: Email
Last Date: Within next 2 days from 13th June 2021
How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates are requested to send your resume along with copies of relevant certificates and passport size photograph to the following Postal address within the next 2 days from 13th June 2021.
Email Address to Apply:
Postal Address
A.C.S. Medical College and Hospital
Poonamalle High Road
(Chennai – Bangalore Highway – NH4)
Chennai – 600077
Tamil Nadu, India.
Reference: Advertisement dated 13th June 2021