Faculty Recruitment 2021 notification announced by Nandakumar Shinde College Of Pharmacy, Vaijapur Wanted Principal/ Assistant Professor/ Lecture/ Storekeeper/Clerk/ Computer Data Operator/ Lab Technician/ Lab peon/Peon & Sweeper. Eligible candidates may apply on or before 9th Feb 2021.
Date Posted: 3rd February 2021
Hiring Organization: Nandakumar Shinde College Of Pharmacy, Vaijapur
Organization Profile: –
Job Title:
- Principal- M.Pharm Ph.D with 10 yrsexperience
- Assistant Professor-M.Pharm( pharmaceutics/pharamaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, pharmacology) with 1st class
- Lecturer- M.Pharm/B.Pharm with first class
- Storekeeper- D.Pharm/ B.Sc
- Clerk- any graguate
- Computer Data Operator- graduate with DCM
- Lab Technician- D.Pharm
- Lab peon -HSC
- Peon & Sweeper- SSC
Qualification: As per PCI/DBAT/DTE/MSBTE & Govt. Maharastra norms
Salary: As Per PCI/DBAT/DTE/MSBTE & Govt. Maharastranorms.
Experience: As Per PCI/DBAT/DTE/MSBTE & Govt. Maharastra norms.
Job Location: Vaijapur
Apply Mode: Email
Organization Website: http://nscopvaijapur.in/
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their resumes/bio-data through email Or before 9th Feb 2021.
E-mail: [email protected]
Organizational Address:
The secretary,
Nandhakumar Shnde Colllege of Pharmacy,
Mobile: 09096666427