Faculty recruitment notification announced by the National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand for the 2025-2026 academic calendar year. Eligible candidates may apply through Online and Postal
Date Posted: 29th March 2025
Name of the College: National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
College Profile: The National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur (NIT Jamshedpur), is an Institute of National Importance located at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India. Established as a Regional Institute of Technology in 1960, it was later upgraded to National Institute of Technology(NIT) on 27 December 2002 with the status of a Deemed University. It is one of the 30 NITs in India, and as such is directly under the control of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). It is the third in the chain of 8 NITs established as a part of the Second Five Year Plan(1956–61) by the Government of India.
Job Title:
- Associate Professor
- Computer Science & Engineering
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence & ML Compiler Design
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Quantum Computing
- Block Chain Technology
- Bio Informatics
- Electrical Engineering
- Electric Vehicles
- Application of Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Techniques in Electrical
Engineering - Instrumentation and Control
- Smart and Micro Grid
- Electric Drive and Power Electronics
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Digital VLSI
- IoT
- Embedded System
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Industry 4.0
- AI & ML Applications to Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Process Metallurgy
- Numerical Modelling
- Energy Materials
- Bio Materials
- Polymer Composite
- Extractive Metallurgy (Non-Ferrous)
- Electronics Materials
- Production and Industrial Engineering
- Advance Manufacturing
- Automation
- Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics
- Algebraic Topology
- Graph Theory
- Control Theory
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Data Science
The essential qualification, essential requirements and cumulative essential credit points advertised herewith shall be governed by the Schedule ‘E’ of NITs Statutes (issued vide Gazette of India No. 651, dated July, 24 2017), link for the same is available on the Institute website at http://www.nitjsr.ac.in All New Entrants shall have Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline and shall have first class in preceding degrees. New entrant means a candidate who is not existing faculty of NIT Jamshedpur [as per clarification no. 5 of GoI, MHRD, F.No.33- 9/2011-TS.III, dated 16th April, 2019]. Here, ‘preceding degrees’ means Bachelor Degree onwards.
• In case first class is not mentioned in the preceding degrees by the University/ Institution, then the candidates should have passed and secured at least 6.5 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) or 60% marks in aggregate.
• Conversion from CGPA to percentage or vice versa given by individual Institute/University will not be considered/allowed for determination of eligibility.
• In case the candidate has passed and secured CGPA under any other point scale (other than 10- point scale), then certificate issued by the authorized signatory (not the Mentor/Supervisor/Head of the Department) of the Institute/University to the effect of having secured first class in such degree must be attached. Alternately, the CGPA may be equivalently converted on 10-point scale for determination of eligibility.
• The above mentioned CGPA/Percentage/Degree should be awarded by a recognized University/Institute. Candidates, who have acquired essential qualification (i.e. Ph.D.) and/or preceding degrees from abroad, shall be considered, if degree is offered by National University/Institute of respective country and/or offered by Institutions which are in QS/THE World Ranking up to 500 for last two consecutive years, for the post of various faculty positions.
• Candidates having Ph.D. directly after B.Tech./B.E. shall also be considered for the post, if they fulfill other criteria. They should have obtained First Class at Bachelor’s Level.
Job Location: Jamshedpur, Jharkhand
Scale of Pay:
- As Per Norms
Apply Mode: Online and Postal
Organization Website: www.nitjsr.ac.in
How to Apply:
- Candidates willing to apply are advised to apply online by uploading all certificates/self-attested documents with photograph and scanned signature on link provided on the Institute website at https://www.nitjsr.ac.in along with requisite fee. The last date of fill the online application for the current quarter is 30th April 2025. The applications received after 30th April 2025 will be considered in next round and subsequent quarters
- Last date for filling and submission of online application form for considerations is 30th April 2025.
- The printout (hard copy) of the online application, Credit Point Details Sheet and Credit Point Table Sheet along with all requisite documents and annexure(s) must reach to the office of “Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, Adityapur, Jamshedpur – 831014, India” on or before 09th May 2025, failing which the candidature will not be considered.
- The envelope containing the application be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ………………………….………….. IN THE DEPARTMENT OF…………….
- The Candidate should pay a non-refundable application Processing Fee of Rs 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred) for General, OBC and EWS candidates by SBI Collect as per the details given in the payment link. The copy of payment proof should be attached with hardcopy of application form. SC, ST, PWD & female candidates need not pay the fee.
Address Details:
National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur,
Jharkhand (India)
For Detailed Faculty job Advertisement (Read Carefully): Click Here