National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli wanted JRF

Research Faculty Recruitment 2025 notification announced by NIT Trichy, Tamilnadu – JRF Jobs. Eligible candidates may Apply through Postal


Date Posted: 17th March 2025

Hiring Organization: NIT Trichy

Organization Profile: The National Institute of Technology (formerly known as Regional Engineering College) Tiruchirappalli, situated in the heart of Tamil Nadu on the banks of the river Cauvery, was started as a joint and co-operative venture of the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu during 1964 with a view to catering to the needs of man-power in technology for the Country. The College has subsequently been conferred with autonomy in financial and administrative matters to achieve rapid development.

Job Title: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Funding Agency for the Project : CSIR-ASPIRE

Project Title: : Development and Applications of Novel solar assisted materials as photocatalyst sensitive in full solar spectrum for water treatment including degradation of pharmaceutical and personal care products and energy storage

Department: Chemical Engineering

Essential Qualification: 

  • M.Sc (Chemistry/Applied chemistry/electrochemistry, Environmental science/Biochemistry)/B.E./B.Tech (Chemical Engineering/ Environmental Engineering/Electrochemical Engineering/Biotechnology or any specialization relevant to Chemical Engineering) or equivalent degree with 55% aggregate marks and qualified NET/GATE

Job Location: Trichy, Tamilnadu

Pay Scale:

  • 31000/- per month in the first two years and 35000/- upon upgradation in the
    third year

Duration: 3 YEARS

Apply mode: Postal

Organization Website:

Application Procedure: 

  • Applications are invited from Indian Nationals only for Project Positions as per the details given below, (for consultancy / research projects, under the principal investigator Dr.K.N.Sheeba (PI), Dr.K.M.Meera S Begum (co-PI), Chemical Engineering in National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-15, TamilNadu.
  • The last date and time of submission of duly filled in application 20/03/2025 and 5.00 pm. (Not applicable for walk in interview). The application should be submitted only in the prescribed format.

Contact Address:
National Institute of Technology,
Tamil Nadu

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