Pakur Polytechnic, Jharkhand Wanted Principal

Recruitment of Principal at Pakur Polytechnic College. Eligible candidates may apply Online


Post Date: 12 March 2025 

Hiring Organization: Pakur Polytechnic 

Organization Profile: Pakur Polytechnic is owned by Department of Higher and Technical Education, Govt. of Jharkhand and for operation, maintenance, management and upgradation under PPP Mode, the Institute has been awarded to M/s Cybobhubaneswar Educational Foundation. Pakur Polytechnic is having state of art infrastructure in 7.1 acres and 2 lakhs sq.ft. builtup area. Pakur Polytechnic is a place of learning which began as an idea and is now acknowledged for quality learning. Pakur Polytechnic has become ISO9001-2015 certified by DNVGL in the year 2018. Pakur Polytechnic is recognized twice as Best Polytechnic in Jharkhand by CEGR, ICCI and The Times of India

Job Title/Designation: Principal 

Qualification: – 

  • ME/M.Tech. With Ph.D degree in any Engineering Branch
  • Computer Knowledge with working experience in Excel & Word is essential 

ExperienceMinimum 3year of Experience at college/Institute/university level or as per norms

Job Location: Pakur, Jharkhand 

Pay Scale: As per Norms 

Apply Mode: Online 

Organization website: 

How to Apply: Interested candidates request to apply online through the following link within 5th April 2025.

Link to Apply:

Contact Address: 

Pakur Polytechnic, Pakur
Near New D.C Office, Koila More
Kolajora, Pakur, Jharkhand, PIN816107

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